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Wednesday 20 November 2013

You may Not know something about BackHole!

Nothing escapes their pull.

When anything (be it planets, suns, galaxies or particles of light) passes close to a black hole, they will be pulled in by its gravity. If something else acting on the object, like say a rocket, is stronger than the black hole's gravity, it can escape the pull.
Until, of course, it reaches the event horizon: The point where escape from a black hole is impossible. In order to escape the event horizon, objects must move faster than the speed of light, which is impossible.
This is the "black" part of the black hole, because if light can't escape, then we can't see inside and the area looks empty.
Researchers think that even small black holes would tear you apart before you fall through the event horizon. Gravity is stronger the closer you get to a planet, star, or black hole. If you were falling feet first, gravity at your feet would be so much stronger than at your head. This force would pull you apart.

They slow down time.

NASA, ESA, CXC, STScI, and B. McNamara (University of Waterloo)
Composite Image of Galaxy Cluster MS 0735
Light bends around the event horizon and eventually gets pulled into nothingness as it falls through.
Scharf describes what we would see if a clock were to be sucked into a black in an interview with The Economist. He says the ticking of the clock (if it were to survive the forces of the black hole) would appear to slow down as it approached the event horizon and eventually would seem to freeze altogether.
This freeze in time is due to gravitational time dilation, explained by Einstein's theory of relativity. The gravity of a black hole is so strong, it can slow down time. From the clock's perspective it is still functioning normally. The clock would fade from view as the light from it is stretched further apart. The light would become increasingly red as the wavelength becomes longer and falls out of the visible light spectrum, vanishing from sight.

They are the ultimate energy factories.

Spit, not swallow.
black holes vacuum up the mass surrounding them, and in the black hole this mass gets squished together so hard that space between the individual components of the atoms is compressed, and it is broken down into subatomic particles that can stream away.
These particles are released in jets, as seen in this picture taken with NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory. These particles propel out of the black hole due to intense magnetic field lines that can cross the event horizon.
Breaking up the particles creates energy, in an efficient manner. Converting mass into energy in this way is 50 times more efficient than nuclear fusion.

They limit the number of stars in the sky.

The man: Carl Sagan.
We were in Brooklyn so Scharf gave a shout out to Carl Sagan, who famously said "there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the world”. In fact, there are 1022 stars in the universe.
Scharf says this number is determined by black holes. The particle jets emitted by black holes expand into bubbles that ripple through a galaxy's star-forming regions. The star-forming regions are areas of gas clouds that can cool down and form stars. The jets heat up these gas clouds and prevent stars from forming.
This means that there is a balanced relationship between the number of stars and the activity of black holes. Too many stars packed in a galaxy would make it too hot and explosive for life to evolve, but not enough stars can also prevent life from forming.

We are made of them.

Now aren't you glad that black holes exist?
Some researchers think that black holes help create the elements because they break down matter into subatomic particles.
These particles can be used to create stars which in turn create elements heavier than helium, like iron and carbon, essential to the formation of rocky planets and life.These elements are what all mass is made of, including us.
Scharf tells The Economist, "Take away the black holes and you get a different mix of elements, in different places. You might also get different, more volatile stars, which explode in a destructive supernova, blowing away inchoate complex structures." Life may not have been possible without black holes.

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  1. 10 22 = 5 Even To Repel or Float Create Bouncy. Magnetic Positive Atoms Face Down and direction of + down + up Negative Center x 2 increased x 9 strength. Floats and Can Spring UP by Speed of Pull and Release. Guided by Positive Energy From Both Sides. Atmospheric droplets are Atoms wet/moist. For self energy to Float or Become Buoyant like Christ who walked on water, Fasted 40 days to cleans body to All Positive. Defying Gravity. < True. Energy from - n + becoming both Good. O:)

    1. CREATING Reality From Artificial Gravity. Repelling EVEN Black Holes. Allowing Space Crafts to be Breathable and Walkable. Color Codes Enhanced. Energy form Crystals of Verity Of Colors using a Harmonica Frequency Allowing Atoms To DANCE Creating Touch & Go Effects. Using The Positive Force As in All Universe. Empty is Only Empty Until + IS placed before Negative Energy. Simple Physic's 1 to 9, 0 not alone supported by 1 joining the rest of Numbers. 3 is the only Number of strong Negative until additional 3's are added 3 3 3 if not crazy is 9 GOD.


  3. the event horizon IS the quantum level separation point where space (dust) is broken down to it's original state.. mass photons... the C velocity continuously creating a force that resonates to the core of the singularity. within... event Hor. is the barrier of the singularity ..... there is no "hole".. is infact the opposite... the most extremely dense point in universe... perfect density.... even photons are compressed to a point that they are a percentage of their normal size... and all good things must come to an end... eventually gathering more mass density than the singularity can spin at C... once it slows below C .... BOOM ... the weight can no longer be stabilized and the black star begins imploding inward to the core as it begins to cool and compress inward into the great force of the core... lets say you take a ball of pizza dough... spin it and it spreads outward.... when it hits the table and stops spinning it will automatically retract inward a bit.... this is similar the the black "star" .. the spinning at C causes it to expand ever so slightly ... keeping pressure off the core.. but once it slows below C... all that weight begins compressing into the core until critical compression causes it to explode outward in a "big bang" type explosion... everything from superdense chunks from areas closer to the core which eventually will become stars of different types... to the finest photonic size dust which becomes the building blocks of all energy particles... super dense quantum sized dust... super magnetic and fills all areas of that region of space... the closer to the core... the more densely compact the particles are.. which determines the size and spin based on magnetic field strength of each particle .... each reacting towards eachother... magnetic fields attracting but their spin velocity keeps them from bonding... something spinning at 5 million rpms cannot bond to a particle spinning at 1 million rpms... 2 particles of great densities bond together with similar spins velocity... increasing their field strength to the point they actually stabilize surrounding particles at their velocity in order to bond again... continuously up to subatomic state and then atomic state
    the event horizon also explains quazars... energy is not being released from within the singularity .. but the event horizon where the black hole "star" it pullin in more matter than it can break down... it builds and builds... the disc of matter coming in is created by "primer fields" ... matter still being drawn in but not broken down fast enough begins to travel upwards and downwards towards the poles until it reaches a critical point where it cannot enter as the singularity is far to dense to explode inward... so the path of least resistance is outward.... creating a flow of plasmic released energy

    1. That's the best explanation/description of black holes I have ever heard. It makes sense. All that high velocity spinning of all that mass is sure to generate electrical currents conducted by surrounding plasma/dust that plays a huge roll in forming stars and sculpting planets.

  4. Hi Mr. Hawkings! : )
    I wrote some stuff about a black hole and the speed of the stars around it. Can you please read it and let me know if I'm anywhere near knowing what 's going on!
    Thanks! : )

  5. It is evident from holy quran as
    The holy Quran mentions the black holes in the following holy verse by its very specific characteristics ; these are :
    (1)They are running stars.
    (2)They are veiled or receded .
    (3)They are sweeping stars .
